Curiosity Lab

Abu-Mukh, A., Makhoul, B. , Gonen, E. , & Gordon,G. , "Social Robots for Teaching Arabic Morphological Awareness in Elementary Schools: A Long-Term in-the-wild Study" ICERI2023 Proceedings. IATED. (2023) [link]​​
C. Riccioni, L. DiGiunta, G. Gordon, C. Lunetti, G. Gliozzo and C. Comitale, "Parent's Empathic Self-Efficacy and Children's Socio-Emotional Learning in an Intervention Facilitated by a Virtual Robot", ICERI2023 Proceedings. IATED, (2023). [link]
G. Gordon, L. DiGiunta, C. Riccioni, C. Comitale, G. Gliozzo and C. Lunetti, "Promoting Socio-Emotional Learning with a Virtual Robot Facilitator of Small Group Discussions: A Cross-Cultural Study", 20th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2023) [link]
N. Rimon, I. Melamed Gorodesky, G. Gordon & E. Gonen, "Child's play: teaching young children Hebrew morphology using e-learning technologies". The 18th International Conference on Mobile Learning. Porto, Portugal, (2022) [link to lecture]
E. Mizrahi, N. Danzig and G. Gordon, "vRobotator: A Virtual Robot Facilitator for Small Group Discussions for K-12", (2021) [link]
N. Tor and G. Gordon, "Digital Interactive Quantitative Curiosity Assessment Tool: Questions Worlds", Int. J. Inf. Educ. Technol, (2020) [link]
K. Ben-Tov Sher, M. Levi-Keren and G. Gordon, "Priming, Enabling and Assessment of Curiosity" Educational Technology Research and Development, (2019) [link]
Data Science
M. Moran and G. Gordon, "Curious Feature Selection-Based Clustering," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3407034, (2024) [link]
M. Moran and G. Gordon, "Deep Curious Feature Selection: A Recurrent, Intrinsic-Reward Reinforcement Learning Approach to Feature Selection," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2023.3282564, (2023) [link]
M. Moran, T. Cohen, Y. Ben-Zion and G. Gordon, "Curious Instance Selection", Information Sciences, (2022) [link]
S. Somin, Y. Altshuler, G. Gordon, A Pentland and E. Shmueli. "Network dynamics of a financial ecosystem." Scientific Reports, (2020) [link]
M. Moran and G. Gordon, "Curious Feature Selection", Information Sciences, (2019) [link]
Gvirsman, O. and Gordon, G., Investigating Causality in Parent-Toddler-Robot Interaction. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 502–506. https://doi.org/10.1145/3610978.3640661, (2024)
Gvirsman, O. and Gordon, G., Effect of Social Robot's Role and Behavior on Parent-Toddler Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 222–230. https://doi.org/10.1145/3610977.3634928, (2024)
Ayalon, O., Hok, H., Shaw, A. et al. When it is ok to give the Robot Less: Children’s Fairness Intuitions Towards Robots. Int J of Soc Robotics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-023-01047-4
T. Polakow, G. Laban, A. Teodorescu, J. R. Busemeyer and G. Gordon. "Social robot advisors: effects of robot judgmental fallacies and context", (2022) [link]
M. Rosenberg, H.W. Park, R. Rosenberg-Kima, S. Ali, A.K. Ostrowski, C. Breazeal and G. Gordon "Expressive Cognitive Architecture for a Curious Social Robot", ACM Trans. Intelligent Interactive Systems, (2021) [link]
M. Eshed, M. Epstein, A. H. Zohar and G. Gordon. "Studying Dynamics of Human Information Gathering Behaviors Using Social Robots". Frontiers in Psychology, (2021) [link]
R. B. Rosenberg-Kima, Y. Koren and G. Gordon "Robot-Supported Collaborative Learning (RSCL): Social Robots as Teaching Assistants for Higher Education Small Group Facilitation." Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 148, (2020) [link]
L. Levinson, O. Gvirsman, I.M. Gorodesky, A. Perez, E. Gonen and G. Gordon. "Learning in Summer Camp with Social Robots: A Morphological Study." Int J of Soc Robotics, (2020) [link]
G. Gordon, "Infant-inspired intrinsically motivated curious robots", Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, (2020) [link]
O. Gvirsman, Y. Koren, T. Norman, and G. Gordon. 2020. Patricc: A Platform for Triadic Interaction with Changeable Characters. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 399–407, (2020) [link]
G. Gordon "Social behaviour as an emergent property of embodied curiosity: a robotics perspective", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374, (2019) [link]
M. Epstein and G. Gordon, "Social Robots as Physical Curiosity Assessment Tools," 2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Nanjing, pp. 503-508. (2018) [link]
H. W. Park, R. Rosenberg-Kima, M. Rosenberg, G. Gordon, and C. Breazeal. "Growing growth mindset with a social robot peer," in Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human robot interaction. ACM, (2017) [link]
G. Gordon,, S. Spaulding, J. Westlund, J. J. Lee, L. Plummer, M. Martinez, M. Dasa and C. Breazeal, “Affective Personalization of a Social Robot Tutor for Children’s Second Language Skills”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2016) [link]
Deep Learning
N. Kuritz, G. Gordon and A. Natan. "Size and temperature transferability of direct and local deep neural networks for atomic forces." Physical Review B 98.9 : 094109. (2018) [link]
J. Barkan, G. Gordon, "Deep Curiosity Loops in Social Environments", arXiv:1806.03645, (2018) [link]
G. Kurizki and G. Gordon "The Quantum Matrix: Henry Bar's Perilous Struggle for Quantum Coherence", (2020) [link]
G. Gordon (Editor) “The New Science of Curiosity”, Nova Publishers, (2018) [link]
Pre Curiosity Lab Publications
G. Gordon, E. Fonio and E. Ahissar, "Learning and control of exploration motor primitives", Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 1-22 ,(2014) [link]
G. Gordon, N. Dorfman and E. Ahissar, “Reinforcement Active Learning in the Vibrissae System: Optimal Object Localization”, Journal of Physiology-Paris 107:107-115 ,(2013) [link]
G. Gordon and E. Ahissar. “Hierarchical Curiosity Loops and Active Sensing.” Neural Networks, 32, 119-129 (2012) [link]
G. Gordon, E. Fonio and E. Ahissar, "Emergent Exploration via Novelty Management", Journal of Neuroscience 34(38): 12646-12661, (2014) [link]
A. Saig*, G. Gordon*, E. Assa, A. Arieli and E. Ahissar, “Motor-sensory confluence in tactile perception”, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(40):14022-14032, (2012) [link]
G. Gordon and E. Ahissar, “A Curious Emergence of Reaching”, Advances in Autonomous Robotics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7429, 1-12, (2012) [link]
G. Gordon, “Hierarchical Exhaustive Construction of Autonomously Learning Networks”, In 4th International Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems (ERLARS), Berlin, Germany, (2011) (Best Paper Award) [link]
Children-Robot Interaction
G. Gordon, C. Breazeal and S. Engel, “Can children catch curiosity from a social robot?”, 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) ,(2015) [link]
G. Gordon and C. Breazeal, "Bayesian Active Learning-based Robot Tutor for Children’s Word-Reading Skills", AAAI ,(2015) [link]